Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lots of news and fun things to look forward to in the new year!!!

I have so many exciting things to tell everyone about I don't even know where to start...
Lets see, we have a new house resident!  Madison moved into our garage and is working with Mason and my dad at Hensley.  It has been fun having him here and he seems to really like his new job.  His kids Brycen and Allie came and spent the week before Christmas with us, and we had a blast :)  The kids and I baked cookies and decorated them, we wrapped presents, and watched Christmas movies.  It was a great week and the kids enjoyed having their cousins over to play.  

Tucker had his last ear appointment of the year yesterday.  And...his ear drum is healed!!!  No hole, and no measurable hearing loss.  We are so grateful that the surgery was a success.  He has another follow up in June just to make sure that the ear drum is still intacted at that time but for now he has been given the all clear and most importantly he has regained all of his lost hearing in his left ear.  I could not have asked for a better out come.

Zak had another round of blood work yesterday to see if his liver enzymes were back within normal range. Fingers crossed, and one very upset 3 year old later...his levels are much better and down from 259, to 62.  He will be retested in three months and we are praying his levels are within the normal limits (under 40).  So for right now its just a waiting game.  I already see a huge improvement in him and he is back to his active and lively self so I am pleased.  

I just found out today that my brother Luke is in the hospital again, and had another surgery on his leg.  This time the doctor left his leg open and placed a surgical wound vac in his leg to help drain the infection and gross unwanted material from his leg.  I am happy he got to spend Christmas with his family but I wish he was healed.  My mom is in Texas with him this week and I am hoping that she can get more answers and help get him set up on a path to recovery.  It has been well over a month and a half since he first had issues with this knee surgical site, so now I pray he is on the mend and able to again go home and be with his family.  I am praying for him everyday.  

I saved the best and most shocking news for last.  Mason has decided to take some college classes!  Yes, you read that correct.  It is NOT a typo!  Mason is going to college!  For anyone who knows Mason really well will know that just the fact that he wants to take college classes is amazing.  He is smart and perfectly capable but I never thought he would want to go back to school.  I am so proud of him wanting to do better for himself, I am proud that he wants to explore the opportunities he can have after returning to school.  

I am looking forward to the following things in 2012:
1.) Tucker & Keaton starting basketball the first week of Jan.
2.) Starting my last semester at Yavapai College (Jan 18.)
3.) My new role on the PV Little League board & baseball season in March.
4.) Spring Break and time with my kids :)
5.) Possibly going to Vegas for Ashley's birthday.  And, going with her to see The Hunger Games.
6.) Graduation!!!! I will finally have finished my associates degree. :)
7.) My mom, sister, and aunt coming to visit for said graduation.
8.) (A possible surprise trip to Disneyland to celebrate graduation, Keaton's birthday, and Mason & I's anniversary.  Shhhh this is a surprise.)
9.) A summer without school, college classes, or plans.
10.) A new year, new beginnings, new friendships, new chapters, and many new memories.

So here's to the New Year and hopes to take only the most cherished memories from 2011 with us, leaving behind all the negative. 
Best Wishes, 

1 comment:

  1. 2012 is going to amazing and I am looking forward to seeing what craziness Team Awesome can find, too! :)

    Woot for Tuckers ear and Zaks enzymes going down and way to go Mason- its awesome that he's going to go to college!
